
LOTTE Chemical strives to fulfill its corporate economic, social and environmental responsibilities
and to move toward a sustainable tomorrow by protecting the one and only planet Earth.

Sustainability Management System

  • Compliance Management

    Operation of the compliance
    system by building global-level compliance infrastructure

  • Ethical Management

    Establishment of a
    transparent, fair, and rational management culture

  • Environmental Safety Management

    Investment in eco-friendly equipment and product development and strengthening of preemptive safety and health management system

  • Social Contribution

    Improvement of corporate image and reputation by carrying out strategic community contribution programs

  • Mutual Growth

    Establishment of fair trade practice and support for the strengthening of the partner companies’ competitiveness

Eco-friendly Management

LOTTE Chemical champions protecting the environment and will pursue ESG management to be reborn into a sustainable company that is respected by society.


Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Lotte Chemical is actively implementing the management strategy that conforms to the UN SDGs to fulfill its responsibility as a global corporate citizen.


What are Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

The UN General Meeting in September 2015 adopted the SDGs as the greatest common goal for the international communities to achieve together between 2016 and 2030 to construct a sustainable society worldwide.

The SDGs define 17 goals including countermeasures to poverty and climate change, resolution of inequality, and economic growth, with 169 detailed goals.

It is a detailed goal system that urges governments, businesses, and civil society to take global actions to end poverty on Earth and to create opportunities for the dignified lives of all.

LOTTE Chemical Statement on Human Rights

We pursue “human rights management” which can have a positive impact on not only our customers but also our society as a whole, and aims to contribute to the enrichment of individuals and communities. In this regard, we set forth this “LOTTE Chemical Statement on Human Rights” as standards of conduct, performance, and ethics all of our officers and employees must comply with in the course of business operation and management in order for LOTTE Chemical to become a corporation advancing human wellbeing.

This Statement is based on international human rights principles and standards, including the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We commit to comply with this Charter and to put our commitments into actions.

  • 1. We respect all human dignity and value, and prioritize human rights management in managing our business.
  • 2. We respect international human rights principles and covenants, including the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • 3. We establish and implement systems and policies, including human rights management system, to embed a respect for human dignity and value across our corporate culture and across the spectrum of business management activities.
  • 4. We strive to protect and advance human rights of marginalized communities, and respect human rights of everyone whose lives we touch, including our employees, customers, government authorities, partners, and local communities.
  • 5. We do not discriminate based on race, gender, education, age, disability, religion, place of birth, political stance, or any other grounds when hiring or in the workplace, and pursue an organizational culture of mutual respect and understanding.
  • 6 We do not condone forced labor or child labor in any shape or form, and comply with the minimum working age established by international standards and local laws of the jurisdictions in which we conduct business.
  • 7. We comply with the working-hour and minimum wage regulations of the jurisdictions in which we conduct business.
  • 8. We foster working conditions which put the health and safety of our officers and employees first.
  • 9. We uphold the constitutional right to freedom of assembly and association and the right to collective bargaining to protect and advance the human rights of our officers and employees.
  • 10. We endeavor to prevent human rights violations in the workplace, such as workplace harassment or sexual harassment, and to provide remedial measures.
  • 11. We aim to nurture strong partnerships with our business partners on an equal footing for mutual growth and development, and support, and cooperate with, their implementation of human rights management.
  • 12. We do not use raw materials, products, etc. produced in an illegal and unethical manner or in a manner involving possible human rights violations.
  • 13. We protect personal information acquired in the course of business.
  • 14. We comply with domestic and international environmental regulations, and strive to achieve net-zero carbon emissions, environmental preservation, biological diversity, resource circulation, and other environmental goals.
  • 15. We prevent human rights violations in the course of business, and timely provide adequate remedial measures.

We pledge to do our utmost in implementing and advancing human rights management as set forth above.

All officers and employees of LOTTE Chemical