Guide for Domestic Credit Rating Categories
Guide for Domestic Credit Rating Categories
Credit Rating Category |
Guide for Domestic Credit Rating Categories |
Indicates the strongest capacity for timely repayment of principal and interest
Indicates very strong capacity for timely repayment of principal and interest, but may slightly be inferior to AAA bond ratings
Indicates strong capacity for timely repayment. This capacity may, nevertheless, be more vulnerable to adverse changes in circumstances or in economic conditions than is the case for higher rating categories
Indicates a lack of adequate capacity for repayment of principal and interest, and interest payment in times of economic depression is not guaranteed
Indicates that the capacity for timely repayment is currently adequate, but that there are some speculative characteristics that make the repayment uncertain over time
Indicates present uncertainties as to the repayment of principal and interest and highly speculative due to the high risk of default
Indicates higher uncertainties than higher ratings
Indicates high risk of default and lack of capacity for repayment of principal and interest
Indicates insolvency