Corporate Governance

Results of the 48th General Meeting of Stockholders
※ Date : 2024. 03. 26.
Results of the 48th General Meeting of Stockholders
Bills of General Meeting of Stockholders No. of shares Consent Rate (%)
Bill 1 Case of approval of the 48th Financial Statements including Statement of Appropriation of Retained Earnings (tentative) 32,272,649 97.9%
Bill2 Case of amendment of the articles of association 32,906,464 99.8%
Bill 3-1 Case of appointing Lee Hun-Ki as inside director 28,749,375 87.2%
Bill 3-2 Case of appointing Lee Young-junas inside director 31,954,724 96.9%
Bill 3-3 Case of appointing Sung Nak-sunas inside director 32,854,318 99.7%
Bill 3-4 Case of appointing Cho Woon-hang as outside director 27,850,546 84.5%
Bill 3-5 Case of appointing Oh Yoonas outside director 32,737,351 99.3%
Bill 3-6 Case of appointing SohnByeong-hyeok as outside director 32,600,954 98.9%
Bill 3-7 Case of appointing Park Ji-Soon as outside director 32,735,436 99.3%
Bill 4-1 Case of appointing Cho Woon-hang as members of the Audit Committee 7,160,590 62.5%
Bill 4-2 Case of appointing Oh Yoonas members of the Audit Committee 11,231,021 98.1%
Bill 5 Case of approval of Director Renumeration Limit 29,440,124 89.3%
Stockholder proposal details and implementation

There were no stockholder proposals at this general meeting of stockholders.

Information on procedure for exercising stockholder rights

"Pursuant to Commercial Act Article 542-6, stockholders possessing 5/1,000 or more of the total stocks issued excluding stocks without voting rights continuously for six months shall have the right to propose specific items as the objective of the general meeting of stockholders via letter or electronic document at least six weeks prior to the date of the general meeting of stockholders."

Exercising of Voting Rights of the General Meeting of Stockholders
※ Other stockholders are stockholders excluding special interest parties such as the largest stockholder, etc.
Exercising of Voting Rights of the General Meeting of Stockholders
Section 47th 46th 45th 44th 43rd 42nd
Date 2023. 03. 29. 2022. 03. 24. 2021. 03. 23. 2020. 03. 25. 2019. 03. 27. 2018. 03. 19.
No. of total stocks issued 34,275,419 34,275,419 34,275,419 34,275,419 34,275,419 34,275,419
No. of stocks with voting rights 33,990,447 34,275,419 34,275,419 34,275,419 34,275,419 34,275,419
No. of stocks in attendance 75% 75% 80% 83% 83% 82%
Largest shareholder, etc. 55% 55% 55% 54% 54% 54%
Special Interest Party 20% 20% 25% 29% 29% 28%