Stock Information

Issued Stock Status
As of May 16, 2024
Issued Stock Status
Type Number of Stocks issued Total face value
Registered Common stock 42,775,419 213,877,095,000
Registered Preferred stock 0 0
Total 42,775,419 213,877,095,000
Stockholder status
As of May 16, 2024
Stockholder status
Subject Name Relationship Number of stocks Equity share (unit: %)
Largest stockholder
and specially-related person
LOTTE Corporation Largest stockholder 10,826,458 25.31
LOTTE Property & Development Affiliates 8,555,084 20.00
LOTTE HOLDINGS CO.,LTD(日本) Specially-related person 3,932,514 9.19
LOTTE Foundation for Arts Specially-related person 11,495 0.03
Other Specially-related person Specially-related person 6,225 0.01
Total 23,331,776 54.54
Other Stockholders 19,443,643 45.46
Total 42,775,419 100.00
Stockholder composition
As of May 16, 2024